Zantac Lawsuit

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Thousands of Zantac lawsuit claims will be filed throughout the next several years primarily accusing Zantac manufacturers of causing breast cancer through their zinc and copper supplements. There are other reasons besides cancer that Zantac and other zinc and copper supplements have been linked to, but the main concern is safety. While most people are aware of the potential harmful side effects of consuming large quantities of a nutrient, such as Zantac, there have still been no reports of this occurring with Zantac supplements. However, the company has released statements to correct this issue and also stated that they have received FDA approval for the zinc and copper ingredients in their supplements.

Zantac Lawsuit #1 involves a woman who was diagnosed with esophageal and stomach cancer at an early stage of her career. While still undergoing treatment, she was diagnosed with a more advanced form of esophageal cancer a few months after beginning chemotherapy. Despite her best wishes, the cancer spread rapidly, destroying both the esophagus and stomach. A week later, after receiving a diagnosis of esophageal cancer from a new doctor, the woman began receiving Zantac treatments. Discover more on this article and learn more from us.

The following month, following the second anniversary of her cancer diagnosis, she began receiving Zantac treatment for heartburn medication along with the Zantac Lawsuit #1 settlement. Unfortunately, six weeks after starting the Zantac medications, on the day of her last dose, she developed esophageal cancer. Because the Zantac cancer had spread significantly, the plaintiffs decided not to pursue the case against Zantac, believing that it was likely that it would be rejected by the courts due to the time it took to prove negligence. Less than a year later, on January 8th, the plaintiffs were notified by the court that they had won their lawsuit and that Zantac was liable for the patient's cancer.

This is not the first time that the Zantac Lawsuit has been resolved in a favorable manner. In fact, other individual lawsuits have also been won due to the drug manufacturers' negligence. One such lawsuit was settled in June of 2021, when the plaintiffs won their suit against GlaxoSmithKline, the manufacturer of drugs like Trihexyphenicol, or TMP, as well as generic versions of the same drug, Oxapro.

On September 9th, Zantac filed a motion to dismissively the complaint brought forward by the plaintiff's attorney, citing that the complaint was based on information provided to the company that was wrong. This is the first instance of a prescription drug manufacturer dismissing a complaint based on defective information. It is highly doubtful whether or not the courts will accept this argument. If this happens, then the plaintiff's attorney will be forced to seek court relief on the basis of fraud or a technicality. Such actions could adversely affect the overall case outcome.

Zantac Lawsuit raises questions about the inadequacy of the Class Action lawsuit process in the USA. When one class action lawsuit fails to compel a manufacturer to provide proof of whether or not a drug is unsafe and causes health problems, other individual lawsuits are allowed to proceed and judgment is made. A large number of individuals have been affected by these defective drugs. However, due to Zantac Lawsuit, it is now possible to file individual lawsuits regarding the danger of consuming prescription drugs containing mercury and other similar substances. Visit here for more info.

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